Monday 2 November 2015


Gyda problemau Llyn Padarn yn cael effaith ar y torgoch, a stocio yn gorfod cyfmryd lle i geisio achub y boblogaeth( stocio heddiw lluniau eto ar y galeri prynhawn 'ma). Mae'n aelodau wedi symud i bysgota Llyn Cwellyn ble mae'r pysgodyn hardd yma ddim yn cael ei effeithio gan lygredd .

Yma mae'r pysgota yn ardderchog gyda'r torgoch yn ei maint naturiol - sef rhyw dri meu bedwar i'r pwys. Hen ddywediad yn Llanbris cyn y problemau medda Closs - ia dwi'n mynd yn ol i'r 1960's oedd - i wneud pwys mi oedd eisiau tri torgoch a ceiniog, ia cofiwch hen geiniog i'r rhai sy'n cofio.

Cawn weld be fydd dyfodol pysgotfa Padarn a'r Seiont gan fod ein achos drwy Fish Legal  yn yr Uchel Lys at ddiwedd Tachwedd eleni - yng Nghaerdydd dwi'n credu fydd y gwrandawiad.

Diolch i Matt Perring am anfon llun torgoch o'r Cwellyn  -gweler yn y galeri.


With Padarn's problems taking it's toll on the charr and artificial stocking taking place (this afternoon - photos on the Galery later on today) to try and revive the population. Members have turned to Cwellyn wich is unaffected  by problems and the charr are in their natural size. The old saying, so say's Closs, that during 1960's in Llanberis was that to make a pound weight it takes three charr and a penny, an old penny to those who remember.

The fishing is good on Cwellyn and thanks to Matt Perring for a shot of a Cwellyn Charr - that's how they should be. (Photo on Galery)

We'll soon see how things are to develop on Padarn as the High Court hearing  taken by Fish Legal against natural resources wales and Welsh Gov. Ministers is scheduled for the end of this month - at Cardiff I believe.

Huw P. Hughes

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